Sands Bethlehem is known for scheduling dozens of round-trip bus rides a week from New York City to their Pennsylvania casino.
A New York man was arrested outside the Sands Casino Resort Bethlehem last Sunday morning after he tickled, then punched a woman waiting at a bus terminal outside the casino. The man, Jean Bossier, struck several bystanders before police arrived and arrested the man.
The Bethlehem Police Department’s report alleges that Jean Bossier was inebriated at the time he was arrested.
Local police charged the 58-year old man with disorderly conduct, harassment, and public drunkenness. Pennsylvania District Judge Antonio Grifo set bail at $2,500 and a 10% cash option.
Because Mr. Bossier was unable to post bail at the time, he was sent to Northampton County Prison to await a hearing, which has been set for January 8th.
Surveillance Video of Bethlehem Casino Attack
Bethlehem Sands, which is the most lucrative casino in Pennsylvania, has surveillance cameras trained on its bus stops. It is considered an extra level of protection for valued customers, but in this case is all-but-certain to convict the alleged attacker.
Surveillance showed Jean Bossier approach a woman at the bus terminal outside the Bethlehem Sands Casino & Resort. The woman was sleeping a bench at the time the man approached her on Sunday morning and sat down next to her.
Details of Bossier’s Alleged Attack
Bossier began to tickle the woman, which woke her up. She pushed him away, which he took exception to. Mr. Bossier then stood up and, according to footage, began to strike the woman repeatedly.
He then picked up a chair as if he planned to strike the woman with a chair. It was not reported if Bossier knew the woman involved in his assault, or whether she was a stranger to him. Whatever the case, after he picked up the chair, he put it down and punched the woman in the stomach.
Several bystanders tried to intervene on the woman’s behalf. Surveillance video shows the drunken man begin to punch several of the bystanders.
Sands Bethlehem Police Report
This continued until police arrived upon the scene. It took three officers to subdue the man. Their report described him “combative and uncooperative“.
When they did subdue Jean Bossier, police reported that he gave several addresses, requiring the officers to investigate his identity and confirm his living situation themselves.
Quick Response by Casino Police
Because of the large numbers of people coming-and-going from Bethlehem Sands on a 24-hour basis, local police patrol the area at all hours of the day and night. Because of the large sums of cash kept on hand, Bethlehem police maintain a presence on site all hours of the day and night.
Often, casinos hire off-duty police officers to maintain a presence on the casino floor. This is in addition to the security staff and surveillance cameras which are seemingly omnipresent at the casino. Security staff cannot carry firearms, which is why police officers walk the floor.
Due to the many cameras and eyewitnesses, along with the security staff and police protection, committing crimes in a 21st Century casino is a summarily bad idea.
Jean Bossier’s Bail Terms
The judge in the case ostensibly believes Jean Bossier’s drinking was the source of the disturbance. As part of his bail terms, Jean Bossier must submit to random drug and alcohol tests. He must remain drug and alcohol free until his court date arrives.
The preliminary hearing in the case is scheduled for January 8. Until then, Jean Bossier will be staying in the county prison. The holidays is a particularly bad time to be incarcerated and fail to post bail, because (in this case) it means a three-week stay in the county prison.