The Competitive Enterprise Institute was the most prominent of the 7 groups which sent the letter to Pence and Sessions.
Seven lobbying groups signed an open letter to Vice President-Elect Mike Pence and U.S. Sen. Jeff Sessions asking the two to reconsider their views on online gambling legislation. The conservative groups discussed state’s rights issues with the two men, who are expected to hold positions of influence and authority in the Trump administration.
The seven groups which sent the letter are the The Institute for Liberty, The Center for Freedom and Prosperity, The Taxpayers Protection Alliance, The Campaign for Liberty, The Institute for Policy Innovation, The Digital Liberty, and The Competitive Enterprise Institute. Because each group have championed many of the same conservative causes Mike Pence and Jeff Sessions have championed over the years, the groups hope their letter will carry weight with the ascending politicians.
Letter Warns about Restore America’s Wire Act
The letter argued that Restore America’s Wire Act is the kind of overarching federal oversight most often pushed by liberals. By passing Restore America’s Wire Act or instituting policies with similar intent, Pence and Sessions would be expanding the power and influence of the U.S. federal government.
The conservative groups suggest that expanded federal authority could be used in dozens of other policy fields, much to the detriment of the conservative cause. The letter stated, “Today, it’s online gambling, but in the future it might be gun and ammunition sales targeted by Congress or an over-zealous executive branch.”
Ask That Sessions Leave Lawmaking to the Executive Branch
Referring to Jeff Sessions’ prior suggestion that the U.S. Department of Justice was wrong in its 2011 opinion on the UIGEA, the groups specifically asked for Sen. Sessions to reconsider his stance. As Donald Trump’s nominee for US Attorney General, Jeff Sessions could reverse the 2011 decision, striking down the legality of online casinos and poker sites in New Jersey, Nevada, and Delaware.
The letter suggested that such a decision would be an usurpation of the legislative branch’s authority by the executive branch. The letter said, “Regulatory intervention now from the U.S. Department of Justice would represent a true violation of the legislative process.”
As a longtime member of the executive branch of government, the argument is worded to appeal to Jeff Sessions’ constitutional leanings and regard for checks-and-balances.
iGaming Views of Governor Mike Pence
While he was governor of Indiana, Mike Pence signed on to the Restore America’s Wire Act. While Pence’s ability to directly affect online gambling legislation will be minimal as vice presidnet, the groups are concerned Pence’s influence might be persuasive in the White House and on Capitol Hill.
As the White House representative with the closest relationship to Congressional Republicans, Vice President Mike Pence likely will have significant influence with GOP members in Congress. Pence joins the Congression Republican breakfast each week, where he can discuss policies and build relationships with the lawmakers. Pence also spent 12 years in the US House of Representatives, so he maintains longstanding friendships and political influence with many sitting members in the House.
Vice President Mike Pence’s Influence
Mike Pence also is expected to have more influence than most vice presidents in United States history. With power brokers like Steve Bannon, Reince Priebus, and Jared Kushner in the White House, it is still unknown exactly how much authority the vice president’s office will have.
But rumors swirled in the months prior to the election that Donald Trump’s vice president was offered control of “domestic policy and foreign relations“, while Donald Trump would be left free to concentrate on “Making America Great Again”. Since domestic and foreign policy are the two major aspects of presidential policymaking (arguably the only aspects of policymaking), that would leave Mike Pence in key position to affect federal online gambling policy.
Donald Trump’s Stance on Online Gambling
Several online poker players, such as Mike Matusow, have suggested that Trump’s ascencion to president is good news for online gambling. That is not necessarily the case. Donald Trump is friends with Sheldon Adelson, the main proponent of Restore America’s Wire Act. They are close enough that Trump made Adelson one of the first people he acknowledged after his GOP convention speech. He also made Sheldon and Marian Adelson two of the twenty planners of Donald Trumnp’s Inauguration Celebrations.
If Donald Trump’s vice president, attorney general, and top political donor each advocate a ban on online gambling, it could have a tremendous effect on White House policy. Thus, it’s a good sign to see the seven conservative groups reminding Mike Pence and Jeff Sessions of their conservative ideals.